Meditations on Time

But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day. ~Benjamin Disraeli

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Welcome to the new MCAINY Archive!

Linda Lopez

Linda Lopez, editor & webmaster, MCAINY News Archive

The New York Chapter of the Media Communications Association is no more. After several difficult years, the New York board of directors in 2008 voted to disband it.

As the chapter’s final president, I have felt a personal responsibility to preserve the artifacts of our time as New York’s preeminent organization for visual communications professionals, and for the past two years, I have done just that, in files and boxes around my office.

All the while, however, I contemplated creating this site, an album of sorts for those who were a part of the wonderful activities we all shared, and an interesting record for the surprisingly large number of first-time visitors who land on every day.

What I have done is to reconstruct on this site the stories that were originally published on the old Web site and in FOCUS on New York Media, the chapter newsletter, from 2002 to 2006. As a content developer and the former chapter’s communications chair, I feel greatly relieved to finally have all of our documents in one secure and searchable location.

As for our beloved New York chapter, I am happy to say that many of its former members are still friends and colleagues, working together on projects, sharing referrals, and getting together now and then for a cold one and a few laughs. The chapter may be closed but our crowd never stops networking.

Enjoy your visit to the new MCAINY Archive. I welcome your comments!

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Linda Lopez


  • Corinna Sager

    Linda, what a great job you did with that archive! It brings back good memories – we really did do amazing work and it was a great group of people. As you wrote, it’s nice to know that many of us are still in contact with one another and are working together.