Meditations on Time

But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day. ~Benjamin Disraeli

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Welcome to the new MCAINY Archive! The New York Chapter of the Media Communications Association is no more. After several difficult years, it formally disbanded in November 2008. As the New York chapter’s final president, I have felt a responsibility to preserve the artifacts of our time as New York’s preeminent organization for visual communications professionals, and for the past two years, I have done just that, in files and boxes around my office. . . . → Read More: MCAINY: GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN

Pace University Hosts Connections in Communications

Feb 3, 2003 — The department of English and Communications in the Dyson College of Arts and Sciences at Pace University is now in its third year of offering Communications as a major. The Communications Honor Society, Lambda Pi Eta, and the Communications department are hosting “Connections in Communications” to bring together professionals in the field with current undergraduate majors. . . . → Read More: Pace University Hosts Connections in Communications