Meditations on Time

But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day. ~Benjamin Disraeli

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Committee News

Jul 24, 2006 — Every summer, after the rush of MCA-I NY events, editorial deadlines, and other responsibilities are behind us, the New York board of directors gathers for … well, I want to say a retreat, but, unlike last year when we grilled burgers and enjoyed the sun in former president Sager’s back yard, this year we met in a studio in midtown Manhattan, passed around a bag of chips, and dove into a very full agenda. . . . → Read More: Committee News

Welcome, New Members!

July 22, 2006 — Welcome to the MCAINY family. We’re glad to have you aboard! . . . → Read More: Welcome, New Members!

NATIONAL: Message from MCA-I President Connie Terwilliger

Jul 22, 2006 — Have you noticed? MCA-I is re-energized. You can see it with each passing month – on both a local and an International level. You are seeing new discounts, better and more relevant communications and now a brand new Website that promises you more visibility with potential clients and more networking opportunities. . . . → Read More: NATIONAL: Message from MCA-I President Connie Terwilliger

MCA-I: Your Bright New Marketing Tool for 2006

Jan 5, 2006 — Was one of your New Year’s resolutions to bring in new business in 2006? It was certainly one of mine. I must confess, this is not a new resolution for me, but what I decided to do differently this year was begin in my own backyard. . . . → Read More: MCA-I: Your Bright New Marketing Tool for 2006

NATIONAL: Message from Dr. Alan Richardson: New Health Insurance Available

Nov 29, 2005 — Fellow MCA-I Members: I am truly excited to be sending this announcement of our long-awaited limited medical health insurance plan for our U.S. members. . . . → Read More: NATIONAL: Message from Dr. Alan Richardson: New Health Insurance Available