July 21, 2003
To All Members:
I am extremely pleased to make two very exciting announcements, signaling a bright future for our association and, of course, the profession we represent.
First, Conference is back! Your MCA-I Board of Directors has just voted to begin planning for a conference, June 9-11, 2004, in Atlanta. Specific details will follow, but I wanted to tell you right away so you could mark your calendars, send us your suggestions, and make certain your membership is current so you can take advantage of every discount and opportunity offered in connection with this event.
Our conference next year will feature many of the professional development tracks we’ve had in the past, social events (naturally), general sessions, and an AiME Awards ceremony. But, we also understand that to be successful, our conference must evolve and grow, so we absolutely invite your suggestions for new tracks and seminars.
Second, when we hired Executive Director Ernie Stewart last year, we asked him to thoroughly investigate the best place for our permanent headquarters. He has recommended that we move our headquarters to Chicago, having demonstrated conclusively that we will get the most for our dues dollars there. The move is effective August 1st, 2003, though all communication to our current St. Louis telephone number and address will be forwarded transparently to our new location for the foreseeable future. Similarly, members and others can start contacting our headquarters immediately using our new contact info:
Media Communications Association-International
401 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Email: stewart@mca-i.org
(phone to be announced)
Web site: www.mca-i.org
I want you to know that your MCA-I leadership is tightly focused on providing the best opportunities and values to you, our members. Both of these decisions are examples of that commitment.
Bringing back our own MCA-I conference has long been a top priority, but it was absolutely critical that we do so without putting the association at risk. So, we partnered with the parent of InfoComm to cut costs and eliminate many of the financial risks our association was forced to assume in the past as a stand-alone conference. We will share an exhibit hall with InfoComm. Yet I can assure you that we will have a true MCA-I Conference in every way. In addition, MCA-I will continue to explore alliances with NAB and other organizations.
These are truly exciting times for our association. I sincerely believe that our brightest days still lie ahead. Thank you for your continued membership and support!
Yours sincerely,
Cameron Sanders
Media Communications Association-International
(314) 863-4354
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